Saturday, August 13, 2016

Getting there and directions

After all these years I have not put 2 and 2 together until my wife asked me how I knew the way to a new place, without ever being there. I told her it was simple I looked it up on a Map.

Now that does not sound like much and really it isn't. The problem always seemed to stem when I would be given directions to a place that I could not visualize first. Go this way turn onto "" then left on "" and so on. I would go off knowing that I had gotten the directions and end up frustrated and confused in the end. I always made it in the end, but most times it was a fight and a struggle with a lot of stress in between.

If given a choice I will pull it up on a map online or get out the old printed map book and give it a look before I go. I view it for a few minutes, make mental notes and can just about drive there without so much as 1 curse word the whole way.

I am an avid hunter and have been dropped off in some God knows where regions and have never been stressed out as much as I am driving in the metro area with written directions. And, again I have never thought about it. But before a trip I have looked at a map (several perhaps including road and topo maps) and knew what was all around it, roads, clear cuts, lakes, streams, ponds. I knew where I was without even realizing it.

So, keep a map handy ad plan before you go to keep your Dyslexia at bay and your stress level down.


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