Sunday, October 19, 2014

Descriptive Writing

I am an avid reader, I love to read. However, I want a book that moves, without too many details. Details slow me down! But why? This hit me this week and as I stated when I started this blog I will try to recognize the difference in a dyslexic's mind and that of you normal people. So, I thought this was a good topic. 

I have a friend who actually loves the detail of that snowflake, saddle, uniform or other object. It helps him see what the author is painting to make it more real. Ok, I get it, I don't like it. But, I do get it. and here is why. When I read or talk, I am instantaneously forming pictures, some say up to 10K per minute. When I read, I am actually seeing a movie more than I am reading a story. As I read the words do come to life and when the author goes into a very long drawn out explanation of what they want you to see it stops me cold. 

Now think about this, If someone shows you a photo, you look at it and acknowledge what is being shown, right? 

Now, say someone is showing me a picture - "Hey look at this!" So, I do. As soon as my eyes hit the picture the person who is showing it to me says, "No, wait." 

He takes out a marker and adds something to the photo, then immediately turns it back to me and says "There!" 

I look again. Only this time my eyes don't focus on the new picture because I have to back up and acknowledge that it is a different picture. By that time (When my mind actually catches up) the author has shown me 20 or more photos of the image I drew myself in seconds. It kills me, does it you?


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