Saturday, August 13, 2016

Actually Reading A Book

My long lost Brother which I have only known a year or so can read and read well. His passion if you can believe it is detailed manuals. I asked him about it and he said that he could never get into books that much and was really not interested in them and would never finish one.

I myself, love a good book and I wanted to share some of my favorites I knew that he would like. I challenged him to use only his phone, download the kindle app, increase the font to where there were only 3 word or no more than 4 words per line and give it a try.

Guess what! He is reading books! And, likes it!

So, if you are struggling and have this weird thing that we call Dyslexia try it. I did not start reading until my late 20's and wish that something or someone had told me about this sooner. What a life changer.  


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